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Christmas around the world. How is Christmas in Philippines? Christmas is one of the most important holidays in Philippines. People like to celebrate Christmas as long as possible. People start to listen Christmas songs in September and Christmas celebration continue to the first sunday in January. It's possible to find Christmas decorations from markets also in August. Christmas meal is usually noodles, fruit salad, drinks such as coffee, ginger tea, hot chocolate. Sounds good to me.
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Snowy mountain in Rodopoli Greece. How
is Christmas in Greece? on Christmas Eve children often go out singing
kalanda (carols) in the streets. They play drums and triangles.
Sometimes they will also carry model boats, it's very old custom in
Greek Islands. Christmas trees are popular. Every December in Aristotelous square in the city of Thessaloniki a huge Christmas tree and three masted sailing ships (lights) are put up. Main Christmas meal is often lamb or pork. With spinach+cheese pie, various salads and baklava. Did you know it's also possible to ski in Cyprus (Troodos mountain) in January. Check also baklava recipe.
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Photo of the Bloomsbury square in London found from Pixabay. How is a typical Christmas in UK? most families have a Christmas tree usually a pine. Carols are very popular. Children believe that Santa Claus leaves presents in stockings or pillow-cases. Christmas meal is usually roast turkey and dessert Christmas pudding. London is a good destination for Christmas (and sale) shopping and has a lot of attractions to visit. See palm trees in Kew Gardens.
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How is Christmas in Argentina? usually warm weather, decorated houses and Christmas trees are popular, about any tree could be a Christmas tree. In the middle of the Christmas night is time for fireworks and globos (paper decorations with a light inside that float in the sky) like Chinese lanterns are popular. It's possible to see penguins in Argentina. Christmas food might be served in the garden or be a barbecue!
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Christmas in Costa Rica comes at the end of the school year and the start of the holidays - so people really look forward to getting to the beach! People like to decorate their houses with beautiful tropical flowers. After Midnight Mass the main Christmas meal is eaten. It normal includes chicken and pork tamales that have been wrapped for cooking in plantain leaves. To drink there's lots of egg nog and rum punch. During December and into January, there are lots of fiestas, parades, rodeos, street parties, bull runs and choral and dance festivals. On 26th December (Boxing Day) there is an important horseback parade called the Tope. The next on the next day (27th), many towns and cities have Carneval with a big parade featuring dancing and big floats.
Joulu on todella tärkeä juhla Maltalla. Maltan kouluissa järjestetään joulukonsertti. Joulujuhlia pidetään myös koululuokissa. Joskus lapset tuovat kotona tehtyä ruokaa mukanaan kouluun, joka jaetaan kaikkien muiden luokan oppilaiden kanssa. Hyväntekeväisyysjärjestöt järjestävät joululauluiltoja vanhusten kodeissa ja sairaaloissa, piristääkseen ja tuoden mukanaan joulun tunnelmaa. Siitä voisikin ottaa oppia myös muihin maihin. Yksi jouluruoka Maltalla on kastanja-kookoskeitto, ohje.
Christmas is very important to the people of Malta and its Island of Gozo. Schools in Malta often hold a Christmas concert. Most of the children take part. It consists of Christmas Carols, plays with a Christmas theme, mimes and poetry recitals, etc. It is enjoyed by the children and teachers alike. Christmas parties are also often held in each class. Sometimes the children bring over food which their parents prepare at home and which is shared with every one in their class. Voluntary organisations also organise Carol Singing evenings in old people's homes and hospitals, helping to cheer up the elderly and sick with the spirit of Christmas. Chestnut soup is a Christmas recipe in Malta.
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In Egypt about 15% of people are Christians. They are the only part of the population who really celebrate Christmas as a religious festival. Most Egyptian Christians belong to the Coptic Orthodox Church and they have some very unique traditions for Christmas. Christmas day is celebrated 7th January. Even though not many in Egypt are Christians, a lot of people in the country like to celebrate Christmas as a secular holiday. Christmas is becoming very commercial and most major supermarkets sell Christmas trees, Christmas food and decorations. Hotels, parks and streets are decorated for Christmas.
Millainen on joulu Brasiliassa? useat Brasilian jouluperinteet tulevat Portugalista. Amigo secreto (salainen ystävä) perinne on yleistä Brasiliassa ennen joulua, jolloin annetaan pieniä lahjoja salanimellä. Joulupäivänä ihmiset paljastavat kuka oli salainen ystävä joka antoi lahjat. Brasiliassa on tavallista saada 13 kuukauden palkka, joulukuussa palkan saa siis kaksinkertaisena. Monet brasilialaiset eivät edes tiedä ettei muissa maissa ole samaa tapaa. Perinteinen joulun jälkiruoka on jäätelö. Brasilian kansa on sekoitus useista eri maista tulleita kansoja: joten Sao Paulossa voi olla italialaistyyppinen panettone joulukakku, portugalilaista suolattua turskaa Riossa, afrikkalaistyylistä ruokaa koillisessa. ![]() |
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How is Christmas in Italy? typical Christmas in Italy is a family Christmas and Christmas Eve meals. On Christmas Eve a light seafood meal is eaten. On Epiphany night, children believe that witch called 'Befana' brings presents for them but nowadays also Santa Claus.What about snow? there could be snow especially in Northern Italy near Alps.
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Photo of Budapest. The main Christmas meal in Hungary, which is also eaten on Christmas eve, consists of fish (often fish soup called 'Halászlé' which is made with carp or other freshwater), stuffed cabbage (the leaves are stuffed with rice, mince pork, onion, garlic and other herbs) and a special kind of poppy bread/cake called 'Beigli' is a popular dessert. Gingerbread is also a traditionally eaten at Christmas in Hungary. The gingerbread is often wrapped in very bright colors and decorated with Christmas figures.
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Christmas trees are very important in Germany. Germany is well known for it's Christmas markets (in every city and town). Popular Christmas food: pfefferkuchen, star cookies, apple tart. In some regions of Germany there is a character called Krampus who accompanies Santa Claus. Krampus is big horned monster for Christmas. It's also popular old tradition in Austria and Finland had similar before called nuuttipukki but many hundred years ago. You don't often see Krampus anymore but sometime in Christmas season in Germany. I found a lot of information about Christmas from why Christmas page.
What I think about Christmas: Christmas is mainly a mood, you can be with your friend, pet or however you decided to spend the Christmas day. Christmas is not something like you should buy thousands gifts to everyone you know, you can also give gifts for charity for people (or pets) who has nothing. If you don't like traditional Christmas lunch you can eat also sushi or whatever you like. Check German Christmas recipes +star cookies.
What I think about Christmas: Christmas is mainly a mood, you can be with your friend, pet or however you decided to spend the Christmas day. Christmas is not something like you should buy thousands gifts to everyone you know, you can also give gifts for charity for people (or pets) who has nothing. If you don't like traditional Christmas lunch you can eat also sushi or whatever you like. Check German Christmas recipes +star cookies.
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